The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Jewsic City and Camp Davis’ Emily Groff Releases EP

Emily Groff is no stranger to Nashville’s Jewish community. An active member of Jewsic City and song leader at Camp Davis, the Nashville-based singer/songwriter is bursting onto the national Jewish music scene with her energetic new EP Breathe. 

Featuring an all-female rock ensemble, (Devon Eisenbarger, guitarist for Katy Perry; Genna Projansky, bassist for Sam Tsui; Marian Lapino, drummer for Donna Missal) the album showcases Emily’s sweet yet sophisticated vocals and thoughtful lyricism and demonstrates her diverse musical influences that include Michelle Branch-esque pop/rock, New Orleans funk, and, of course, a hint of Nashville country. 


The title track “Breathe” was inspired by Emily’s personal struggle dealing with performance anxiety. She sings these lyrics on the title track: “I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest/Here my head goes again, I wish it gave its best/Five more steps and I’m there/Ten more steps and I’m gone/Turn around I’m back where I started/On the outside looking in”. Other tracks feature her unique interpretations of Jewish liturgy including new settings of Hashkiveinu, Ahavat Olam, Shiru Ladonai, and Los Yisa Goy. 


Born and raised in Miami, FL, Groff moved to Nashville in 2015 to pursue bachelor and master’s degrees in music education from Vanderbilt University. Her upbringing influenced her appreciation for Judaism and music. “Between street performers, concerts, and music being blasted from every restaurant, store, and bar, growing up in Miami makes you inevitably surrounded by music everywhere you go. I feel very fortunate to have grown up in a place where Judaism was not just accepted but also cherished and valued.” When not writing and performing Jewish music at summer camps and synagogues (including Camp Davis and the Temple), Groff shares her passion for music with students at Neely’s Bend Elementary school in Nashville where she teaches K-4 music. 


Groff was selected as a finalist in the Jewish Star talent search sponsored by Jewish Rock Radio in 2019. Rick Recht, founder of Jewish Rock Radio, is quite a fan. “Emily Groff is a true Jewish Star - a clear stand out!” he said. “Beyond her fantastic vocal, instrumental and songwriting skills, Emily exudes SUCH amazing positive energy and has a <span 1px="" a="" ability="" about="" album="" album.="" always="" amazon="" and="" apple="" as="" bandcamp.="" been="" border-bottom:="" cjwvc3znpg="=" ));"="" class="EOP SCXW256764624 BCX0" collide="" communities.="" connect="" create="" creativity="" data-ccp-charstyle="Hyperlink" data-ccp-props="{}" data-contrast="none" data:image="" decided="" div="" educator="" emily="" experience="" font-size:="" for="" founder="" goldberg="" goldberg.="" groff="" has="" have="" her="" href="" i="" impact="" information="" it="" jewish="" josh="" judaism="" just="" kosher="" lang="EN-US" love="" met="" more="" most="" music="" musical="" new="" of="" on="" own="" p="" paraeid="{d7c5bc53-2c9f-4051-aed8-d072c056368a}{161}" paraid="4661475" process="" producer="" rel="noreferrer noopener" released="" reunite="" rock="" role="" see="" segoe="" she="" solid="" span="" spiritual="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 20.5042px; font-family: " t="" target="_blank" that="" the="" this="" times="" to="" ui="" via="" visit="" wait="" was="" way="" when="" will="" with="" worked="" writing="" xml:lang="EN-US" year=""> 

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