The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Monday, Sept. 16, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Naomi Rose Satinsky


Naomi Rose Satinsky will become a Bat Mitzvah on Sat., Aug. 28,  at 11 a.m. at The Temple. Naomi was born Aug. 19, 2008, in Atlanta.  She is the daughter of Alex and Sara Satinsky.  Her grandparents are Martin Satinsky and Marcia Satinsky, both of Nashville; and Ilene Shurek of Atlanta. 

For Naomi’s mitzvah project, she will raise money for the Second Harvest Food Bank. Her Torah portion talks in part about the first harvest and made her think there are people out there without enough food. 

Naomi is an eighth grader at Brewer Middle School and enjoys fantasy books, mythology, math, science experiments at home, and puzzles. She is coming back to Nashville from her new home in Fort Worth, Texas, to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah. 

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