The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Camp Davis Looking for Host Families for Summer Shlicha

Do you and your family want to spend time with an Israeli and learn more about everyday life in Israel? Do you ever think hosting an exchange student sounds like a great idea, but a year-long commitment sounds like too much? Well, Camp Davis has the perfect option for you; sign up to host a shlicha, Israeli emissary, during our summer camp sessions!. 

Each summer, Camp Davis hosts a shlicha, a representative from Israel who works at camp for the summer and helps to strengthen our community’s connection to Israel. At Camp Davis, the shlicha serves as the Israeli Culture specialist and provides incredible perspective and knowledge for our campers and staff. This person, who typically has just completed military service, comes to camp because he or she enjoys working with children and is looking forward to experiencing what like is life is like in the US. 

Our shlicha stays in homes for one to two weeks and this can be a memorable, bonding experience for both the family and the Israeli. “Hosting the Camp Davis counselor from Israel last summer was like a mini vacation for our entire family- most of all for our children,” says Caroline Moses Sprouse, who hosted the camp shlicha in 2021. “Learning about Maya’s country, her traditions, and her family helped our son and daughter understand the world beyond the United States and more intimately experience Israel. They have been begging to visit Maya in Israel ever since.” During their stay, the shlicha comes to camp each weekday, and enjoys dinner time and evenings with the families. On weekends, our hosts can extend Southern hospitality and include the shlicha in family activities or show them some of the wonderful things Nashville has to offer.  

The JCC has been offered the opportunity to bring two shlichim to Camp Davis this summer, but must confirm housing before they make the commitment. All applicants are fully vetted by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and Camp Davis leadership interviews them as well. “Serving as a host family is not only a mitzvah, but also an amazing opportunity to learn more about Israel while helping someone else learn about and immerse themselves in the Jewish culture of Nashville,” says Andrew Fishman, Director of Camp Davis. “And for any families with kids at camp, it is an amazing way to build your child’s connection to Camp Davis and Israel even further.” 

Are you in?! If so, contact us now to secure your spot as a host family! If you have questions or would like to host our incredible shlicha this summer, please reach out to Andrew Fishman, Camp Davis Director, at 615.354.1681 or  

Camp Davis registration and information can be found at  

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