The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Monday, Sept. 16, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Community Listings April 2022

Nashville Jewish Genealogical Socety: 

Roy Hiller will give a presentation on the recently released 1950 US Census, He will begin with a short overview of previous census forms, highlighting the differences in information collected and will follow with a review of the questions found on the 1950 form focusing on new and updated information.  

The presentation will take place Sunday, April 24th at 2:00 PM. Please contact for more information and a Zoom link. 


East Side Tribe: 

East Side Tribe Shabbat will be hosted at Moishe House in East Nashville on April 29th 6:30-8:30pm. All are welcome to join, this event will be outside. Please email to RSVP and for details!  



Title: Listening to the Music – Understanding the Impact Music Has on Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease 

April 10, 2022 @ 7:00pm (CST). This is a virtual event 

Join us as we learn about a new program in Tennessee nursing homes working to bring individualized music and it’s benefits to residents! Amanda Boulware, Program Coordinator for the Tennessee Person-Centered Music Program, will teach us about music and cognition, the benefits of music, therapeutic music interventions, and how individualized music impacts individuals with dementia. 


Jewsic City: 

Jewsic City creates a space for people to come together for Jewish musical experiences outside of traditional synagogues and denominations and in the style of Jewish summer camps. No matter if we gather for Friday night services, Havdalah campfires, song sessions, or other innovative programming, we are a thriving, growing group of young professionals who want to experience their own Judaism in a meaningful way through music, prayer, and community. Our next event will be the evening of Friday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. The event is in person but also streamed live on Facebook. For details, join our mailing list by emailing or join our Facebook group (search “Jewsic City”). 



May 13 - Newcomer Shabbat - Federation will continue connecting newcomers with family hosts for a monthly Shabbat dinner experience. Please reach out to if you would be interested in attending or hosting a Newcomer Shabbat. 



April 23 - Passover Pizza Party - NowGen will be breaking Passover with a fun pizza party! This will be a great way to see all your NowGen friends and stay connected over a slice of pizza. - Location TBD 


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The Jewish Observer is published by The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville and made possible by funds raised in the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign. Become a supporter today.

Young Jewish Nashville: 

April 23 - Passover Pizza Party - NowGen will be breaking Passover with a fun pizza party! This will be a great way to see all your NowGen friends and stay connected over a slice of pizza. - Location TBD 

May 13 - Newcomer Shabbat - Federation will continue connecting newcomers with family hosts for a monthly Shabbat dinner experience. Please reach out to if you would be interested in attending or hosting a Newcomer Shabbat.