The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Heartwarming Signs of Support in Cherokee Park

                Signs of support from neighbors in Cherokee Park     

We live in Cherokee Park, one of the neighborhoods where the hateful anti-Semitic literature was distributed last month. It was truly shocking that these age-old, false sentiments showed up in our neighborhood. Soon after it happened, we received this amazingly supportive email from Grace Renshaw on our neighborhood listserv:

“We were sickened that this would occur in our neighborhood, and my husband, Randy Horick, wants to make a point of showing that we stand with our many Jewish neighbors and that we will not sit idly by while haters try to foment fear.

He designed and plans to order a simple yard sign that says ‘We Stand with Our Jewish Neighbors.’”

After reading this and then seeing the still-growing number of yard signs show up, we felt as if we had been given a huge group hug from our neighbors. We sent out a thank-you email to all our neighbors. Here are a couple of excerpts from the responses that warmed our hearts:

“We support y’all and can’t imagine any hate speech said towards our community and loved ones. We are here for you all ❤️”

“We support each other, always.”

And this from Randy Horick, the neighbor who organized the sign campaign:

“… We were hurt and angered to learn about the pamphlets -- Grace found one while she was walking our dog. And we just wanted our Jewish neighbors to know that we would not sit back in silence but wanted to send a message that any attack aimed at them was an attack on all of us.

It pleased me to drive through the neighborhood and see so many signs (20 in all so far). I actually thought of the both of you this morning as I drove out of the neighborhood, because I often see you walking to or from the synagogue, and I realized you would pass at least six of those signs as you walked along Lauderdale and Mayfair. We are getting requests for a few more signs as people who didn't notice the original email see the signs in their neighbors' yards and ask where they got them. So, I am hoping the number in the neighborhood will continue to grow!”

Evelyn & Mosh Koch

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