The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Calling All Amateur Sleuths: Can You Help WES Solve a Mystery?

Help West End Synagogue uncover the origin of the Star of David sculpture.

Tucked away in a cluttered, dingy, dusty storage closet at West End Synagogue, stood a solid chunk of gray granite, carved into the shape of a Star of David. According to WES Executive Director, Jim Holzer, it’s anybody’s guess how long the sculpture has been there. “When we began the recent renovations, I had to go through all the storage closets and determine what could be tossed and what needed to be moved somewhere safe during the remodeling. After moving a bunch of things out of the closet, there it stood.” Holzer started asking around to see if anyone recognized the piece, but to no avail. “I started mentioning it in our weekly emails to see if someone, somewhere recognized it, but so far, no one can identify it.” Holzer even reached out to folks at Hunt Memorials for information about the piece. “They said it is very well made, solid granite. But it doesn’t appear to be from a headstone.”

So for the moment, the origin of the sculpture remains a mystery. If you, or someone in your family, has any information about the Star of David sculpture, please contact Jim Holzer at Who knows, maybe you hold the key.

And be watching for updates to the Star of David mystery.

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