The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer

February 2023 Jewish Book Series

Nashville Jewish Book Series February Events

February brings three wonderful Nashville Jewish Book Series events to town. First up is a virtual event on Thursday, February 7 at 7pm where we will welcome Bill Haltom to discuss his book Sears Crosstown in Memphis: From Catalogues to Concourse. Haltom writes about the history of Sears Crosstown, Julius Rosenwald, and the history of his philanthropy, including that of Rosenwald Schools. Bill Haltom will be in conversation with photographer Andrew Feiler whose book A Better Life for Their Children documents the Rosenwald Schools and its students. The Nashville Jewish Book Series’ very own Margaret Littman will be moderating the conversation. This program is in partnership with the Tennessee State Museum, where Feiler’s photographs will be on exhibit from February 24 through May 21, 2023. Register for this free event at

The next two events bring in-person programming. Marjorie Margolies, former Pennsylvania congresswoman and Emmy-award winning journalist, and all around “trailblazer for women.” will be joining us for an evening of profound conversation at the Gordon JCC on Thursday, February 16 at 7pm. Margolies will discuss her experiences being the first single woman to adopt internationally, reporting a myriad of different stories abroad, and advocating for women’s rights, all while juggling motherhood. Come join us for the event and dive into the lifetime of stories shared in her new memoir, And How Are the Children? Timeless Lessons from the Frontlines of Motherhood. Tickets can be found at

We hear the word self-care a lot; buy creams to reduce wrinkles, take all the supplements we are told will help us, eat organic food, and meditate, but does it all really work? Join the conversation and take a deep dive into the wellness industry with journalist Rina Raphael as she discusses her book, The Gospel of Wellness, Gyms, Gurus, and the False Promise of Self-Care. Raphael will be in conversation with wellness figures, moderated by local radio journalist and community member Emily Siner. The program will be held in the Gordon JCC auditorium Thursday, February 23 at 7pm. The evening is co-sponsored by National Council of Jewish Women, Nashville Section and East Side Tribe. Purchase your tickets at

The Nashville Jewish Book Series aims to bring people together for meaningful discussions about Jewish culture, identity, and life through literature. The NJBS runs from November 2022 to May 2023. You can find the schedule with registration and ticketing information at or contact community-wide programs director Sharon Benus at or 615-354-1697.

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