The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Nashville Hadassah Represents at 100th National Convention in Israel

Marsha Jaffa and Deana Goldstein visit Meir Shfeyah Youth Aliyah Village as part of Hadassah’s 100th National Convention in Israel.

Attending Hadassah’s 100th National Convention in Israel in November, were Deana Goldstein and Marsha Jaffa, current Nashville Hadassah president and past president respectively. Attendees visited Hadassah Hospital-Ein Kerem, home of the Chagall windows. Hadassah hospitals have a diverse staff of Jews, Christians and Arabs. This hospital is under renovation to add 300 beds, safe rooms for patients and staff, including underground ORs. Newsweek named Hadassah-Ein Kerem to its 2022 survey of the 250 Best Hospitals in the World. The Hadassah Hospitals treat all patients without discrimination. Early in the pandemic, a Palestinian woman with Covid gave birth to a baby who was also infected. This mother attended the conference to relate her experience and thank Hadassah for receiving excellent care.

Meir Shfeyah Youth Aliyah Village is the home of around 300 students. Meir Shfeyah was established by Hadassah in 1923. This Village educates at risk students from all over the world. The Israeli Ministry of Education and Hadassah fund 35 students from Ukraine at Meir Shfeyah. Students have access to computer labs and state of the art educational equipment and counseling services. Meir Shfeyah offers music education and the opportunity to perform in the youth orchestra. Shabbat, and other Jewish values are introduced to the students. Many of the students go on to do a year of volunteer work to give back to Israel before going to the military and eventually perhaps college. You may support this humanitarian mission by joining Hadassah at

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