The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Jewish Observer


The Nashville Chapter of Hadassah held its annual Installation of Officers and Board on February 28th at the GJCC.The evening was organized by board member Marsha Jaffa, who also provided many of the delicious dessert selections. The Installation ceremony was conducted by Edria Ragosin, a past president of both the chapter and Southern Region. The new board is chaired by Co-Presidents Mindy Drongowski and Beth Wise. To join or learn more about the chapter, please email

 Nashville Chapter of Hadassah 2023 officers and board members.

Incoming Officers:

Co-Presidents: Mindy Drongowski and Beth Wise

Vice Presidents - Programming: Judith Abromowitz and Natalie Hochman

Vice President - Fundraising: Margaret Levine

Vice President - Membership: Geri Siegel

Treasurer: Beth Wise

Recording Secretaries: Judy Book and Hanna Book

Corresponding Secretary: Ruth Klar

Incoming Board Members:

Advocacy Chair: La Quita “Q” Martin

Certificates Chair: Paula Kholos

Communications: Julia Motis

Evolve: Pamela Abromowitz

JNF Chair: Ruth Pressman

Life and Legacy: Deana Goldstein

Members at Large: Merle Born and Marsha Jaffa

Records Administrator: Barbara Olsher

Immediate Past President: Deana Goldstein

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