The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Letter to the Editor July 2023

By way of introduction, I am a Christian Zionist and founding member of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). I have worked for Israel and the Jewish people on the CUFI platform since 2006. I have been the CUFI State Director as a volunteer for 16 years and retired as ambassador for CUFI. As you may know my passion is biblically based and therefore solid.

The article on gun control [in the June issue] caught my attention and I offer you feedback for thought. As you know language is a powerful force. Therefore, consider the article’s references to “killed by guns.” I have owned and used guns since I was 11 years old (I am now 85). These guns have never killed anyone. Although they were used to kill game, the gun did not do the killing, I did!

There was a report on “gun homicide.” Is the homicide not committed by a person? Is the person not put on trial for justice? Is the gun arrested and put on trial to then go to prison as a deterrent to other guns?

Next, we come to the favorite of the language manipulators: “gun violence.” Is a gun not an inanimate object, incapable of thought or action beyond the holder? Oh, how the language deceives.

Next, we have the “automatic firearm” used at Covenant School. Actually, she [the shooter] had a “semi-automatic” rifle just like any other common rifle. The fact that is it on a military platform, made of carbon fiber for endurance and black in color does not change its basic function from any “normal” rifle, and not “automatic.”

Later the article language turns to “assault weapon.” What a distinction. So, knives, stones, hammers, and fists are not called assault weapons, but a semiautomatic rifle is. Again, language manipulation. Is language for truth or for certain agendas?

The article says, “We have to talk to each other.” Yes! Honestly, hopefully, hearing ideas with rational consideration. Solutions here are difficult but should be pursued beyond language manipulations or agendas. Meanwhile, we must protect ourselves at work, in public, at synagogue, at church, at school. And use the same weapons that the perpetrators use: pistols or rifles as the situation dictates. You may choose to not carry a weapon, but if a shooter arrives at your location, you will welcome me beside you.

I will add one concerning development that you might give thought to. Our governor wants a “red flag” law. If ever there was a loss of freedom that would be it. You could be tagged by anyone, justifiable or not, and be on a watch list jeopardizing your place of work, your position in your community at large, or your faith community. As a minority [note: we are now a country of minorities, or literally tribes, including so-called Christians], it will be personal warfare, unmanageable by government authorities. Unintended consequences will abound.

I do not have a solution. Mental illness and severe depression are blurred lines that science cannot discover. Therefore “red flag” will fail as a solution but hurt unjustly targeted people.

It is not about the gun; it is all about who holds the gun!

If you have read this far, thank you for hearing me, perhaps considering this feedback for future good. Thank you for the Observer.

Mike McNally

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