The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Monday, Sept. 16, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Let's Talk Retirement: A Chanukah Sing Along

Loretta Retirement



The thought of RETIREMENT (the non-financial side) can cause people to be either overly excited or very nervous. Wherever you are on your journey, I encourage you to avoid the potholes by making sure  

you navigate via excited. 

To get you on that track, I’ve prepared a little Chanukah song.  


(To be sung to the tune of “I HAVE A LITTLE DREIDEL”) 

I’m like a life-sized DREIDEL, 

Playing in life’s busy way. 

I spin and spin and spin - 

It’s what I do all day. 


Sometimes I feel it’s too much! 

Sometimes I feel so rushed! 

I think Ill soon retire, 

And I won’t feel so flushed. 



How will I be a winner? 

I want Gimmel! Hay! not Nun. 

Enough the Shin that I’ve Put In!   

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Now I want some fun. 



Playing in life’s busy way. 

So for my retirement,   

Here’s what I can say: 


(This is the planning ahead part!) 


I’ll watch my latke intake, (physical) 

Have friends both old and new.” (social) 

My glass will always be HALF FULL, (positivity) 

Pledging value to all I do!” (purpose) 



RE-TI-RE-MENT I’ll win 

With my spin at a better speed! 

When curious, I’ll pick and choose 

To get just what I need! 


And so, you life-sized DREIDELS, 

Playing in life’s busy way, 

Please use these hints prepared for you 

To guide you every day! 



Now, feel free to dance and hug your loved ones! As the candles are burning bright and the apple sauce and sour cream are brought to the table, feel gratitude in knowing you have a plan