The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Chabad of Nashville to Host Israel's Top Fighter on the Media Battlefield

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Political reporter Gil Hoffman will speak in Nashville May 24-25 at Chabad of Nashville Chabad of Nashville to Host Israel's Top Fighter on Media Battlefield

Israel's war in Gaza is being fought on multiple fronts. 

Since Hamas's October 7 massacre, Israel has been fighting on the military, geopolitical and media battlefields. 

On May 24-25, Nashville Chabad will host Gil Hoffman, who has experience fighting on all three. 

Hoffman covered politics for The Jerusalem Post newspaper for a quarter century and remains close to Israel's movers and shakers, while remaining objective on both Israeli and US politics. 

He served as a military spokesman, including during Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. He recently returned to Gaza, embedded with the IDF combat unit that controls Khan Yunes. 

But it is the media battlefield, where Hoffman is leading the fight for Israel as the executive director of HonestReporting, which fights for Israel in the international mainstream and social media. 

Hoffman has led the media watchdog as it has brought about the firing, suspension or reassignment of 10 Hitler and Hamas praising journalists, including 2 from CNN and three from the New York Times. 

The Algemeiner website recently named him one of the top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life, alongside presidents Biden and Zelensky and prime ministers Sunak and Netanyahu. 

He was raised in Chicago, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern University's School of Journalism and now teaches political strategy at Israel's College of Management. 

He's lectured in all major English-speaking countries in the world, more than half the Canadian provinces, and thanks to Chabad, recently made history in Hawaii by becoming the first Israel speaker to have lectured in all 50 states. He lives with his family in Jerusalem. 

Hoffman will be speaking on Friday night and Saturday morning and afternoon about developments in the Gaza war, Israel's political rifts, his experience on the Ukrainian border, and the weekly Torah portion, Behar in the Book of Numbers, which describes Israel's need for rest. 

Saturday morning services will start at 10:00 AM, with the sermon delivered by Gil Hoffman at 11:00 AM. A gourmet Shabbat lunch will follow the service, and will include Gefilte fish, Salmon, Heimishe Herring, a spread of salads and cholent and will be featured at the kiddush where Gil will speak. 

On Saturday night May 25, at 9:15pm, he will show videos that illustrate the challenges in Israel's fight for its international image. Much needed schnapps will be served at the event. 

To RSVP for the event please go to 


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