The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Monday, March 31, 2025
The Jewish Observer

Congregations May 2024

Chabad of Nashville 

Observer May 2024 info for Congregational page Chabad of Nashville 

Jewish Montessori preschool to offer three scholarships to new students 

The Revere Jewish Montessori preschool will be presenting a one-time offer of providing three scholarships of forty percent off the annual tuition, for new students between the ages of 36 months and five years old, for the fall of 2023. 

This scholarship funding is made possible thanks to the support of an anonymous donor. 

To apply for this scholarship, please call the Jewish Montessori preschool office at 615-646-5750 as soon as possible 

Chabad to host a Southern Style Lag B’Omer BBQ 

Join the Nashville community for a delightful evening of a Lag B'Omer Southern Style Kosher BBQ and an Israeli Bonfire on Sunday, May 26 at 5:00 PM on the outdoor patio of Chabad of Nashville. 

Participants will also be celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer, specifically by gathering around a bonfire together for a kumzitz of Israeli music, in Chabad Park, which is on the nine-acre property of the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life. Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in the planting of an organic herb garden which will be used in preparing Shabbat dinners throughout the summer months for the Nashville community. 

There is no charge to attend this event, but reservations are appreciated. The cost for the BBQ dinner is $15 per person. For further information or to make reservations got to 

Who Is My G-d: Defining the Divine 

Chabad will offer a four-week course on a word many seek to understand “G OD 

Nothing is off-limits as this refreshingly open course asks piercing questions about G-d and delivers profound, insightful answers. An enlightening study into G-d’s nature, G-d’s goal for creation, human experiences of G-d, the role of religion, and the function of miracles and prayer, this course promises to satisfy your questions, including those you didn't know you had. 

This course will take place on four Wednesdays in May. 

Torah and Tea - for Women by Women 

Join an all woman’s Torah and Tea leadership study group every Shabbat, following the sit down lunch, at congregation Beit Tefilah Chabad, at 1:00 PM. The study group is led by Rebetzen Esther Tiechtel, who teaches with wisdom and wit, and embraces each participant with warmth and friendship. 

Torah and Tea will bring you this tradition of classical Jewish learning in a series of clear and engaging weekly classes. Probing the ideas and issues related to the modern Jewish woman, these classes will offer timely lessons -from the most timeless of all texts. 

 Join together with fellow women from the Nashville community, for inspiring Torah study, warm camaraderie, Tea Time and delicious refreshments! 

Meet in Person for Prayer and Cholent 

Chabad of Nashville is in full swing with Shabbat morning services, replete with joyful prayer, kavanah, simcha and great energy. Join us on Shabbat morning at 10:00 AM for prayer and Torah reading followed by a hot BBQ cholent, freshly baked Challah and some friendly L’Chaim. 

Chabad to host two TGIS celebration in May 

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Start your Shabbat off right with good friends, great conversation, and excellent kosher cuisine, all seasoned with the perfect amount of spirit and joy. TGIS is a Club Med Shabbat: An all-inclusive Shabbat experience. Enjoy a Friday night Shabbat dinner replete with traditional dishes. Blended with spirited singing, a Chasidic tale, and a chance to meet some wonderful new people. TGIS will be held on Friday evening, May 10 and 24, at 6:30 PM at Chabad of Nashville. 

There is no cost to attend the TGIS Shabbat experience, however we kindly request that you RSVP by letting us know you will be attending at 

Congregation Micah 

Congregation Micah - an inclusive, innovative synagogue exploring and celebrating Jewish life - is committed to building community and repairing the world! We offer creative and diverse ways to live a Jewish life in Tennessee and beyond, using the rich beliefs and practices of Progressive Judaism as our foundation. Visit our 30+ acre campus or access our virtual programs from our website, Like us on socials: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @MicahNashville; sign up for our e-blasts; learn and pray with us in-person, or livestream our service on our website, YouTube, or Facebook.  In our tent, there is room for everyone! 

Weekly Events: 

Sanctuary Shabbat Services: Fridays at 6 PM 

At Micah, we approach God in many ways: the inspiration of words, the beauty of sacred space, the authenticity of our intentions, and through the power of music and song. Join us in-person or virtually for services this month that will be as diverse as they are engaging, as moving as they are participatory. Come early and schmooze with us starting at 5:30 PM! Light refreshments are served. 

Saturday Morning Torah Study: 9 AM on Zoom 

Deep conversations about the text with thoughtful and caring people led by the clergy. 

Mah Jongg: Tuesdays from 12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Join our players for an afternoon of fun in the social hall! For more information, contact Paula: 

Schmooze & Views: Thursdays from 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM 

At Micah, we keep politics off the pulpit but not out of the building. Share your views in a round-table discussion on current events facilitated by Rabbi Flip and Dr. Bob Smith. 

Micah Reads: Monday, May 6, at 7 PM In-Person 

Education Director Julie Greenberg leads the discussion on “One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World” by Michael Frank on May 6 and “Ways to Disappear” by Idra Novey on June 3. 
Women’s Circle: Friday, May 17, at Noon 
Rabbi Laurie engages your intellect and inspires conversation on a variety of Jewish topics. All are welcome. Bring a friend. RSVP on Micah’s event page.  
Micah Minis: Saturday, May 18, at 9:30 AM 
Sing and Dance with our clergy! This family-friendly Shabbat experience is aimed at ages 7 and younger.   

Crucial Conversations - Israel: Monday, May 13 at 6:30 PM 

“Our spiritual community is a vehicle through which share our joys and express our grief; a place we are allowed, encouraged to be vulnerable…”  
-Rabbi Flip’s Rosh HaShanah Sermon 

May brings three Jewish holy day observances that are late to the canon of Jewish history. In addition to the opportunities to join in communal programing, Micah’s clergy will be hosting another on-line Critical Conversation about Israel. Required registration link found on the Micah website. 

Sherith Israel 

Fri. May 10 

Scholar in Residence Shabbat with Rabbi Dan Horwitz Millennial Engagement with Jewish Life 

Davening and festive meal followed by talk 6:30 pm. See to make reservations 

 Mon. May 13 

Yom HaZikaron Ceremony for Israel's fallen followed by 

Tefillah Chagigit and Celebration for Yom HaAtzmaut 

Live Music and Food. 

6 pm. See for more details 

The Temple-May 2024 Events 

All programming can be accessed via  

unless noted to be in person only  

Pirkei Avot: Jewish Wisdom for Today's World 
Every Friday from 5:00-5:40 PM  

Get ready for Shabbat with a little text study!  Each week we will study a piece of wisdom from Pirkei Avot, The Ethics of our Ancestors, an ancient Jewish text still relevant in our own times. 
Available in person at The Temple and via zoom.  

Shabbat Schedule for May 

Our Shabbat Services will be held in person at The Temple. You can also watch via zoom from  

Friday, May 3rd ~ 6:00 pm- Annual Meeting Shabbat 

Friday, May 10th~ 6:00 pm- Shabbat Service with Nashville In Harmony 

Friday, May 17th ~6:00 pm Family Service with Mazel Tones and Birthday Blessings 

Friday, May 24th ~ 6:00 pm Blue Jean Shabbat-Ask the Rabbi 

Friday, May 31st ~ 6:00 pm Blue Jean Shabbat 

Chevrah Torah Study 

 9:30AM on Saturdays  

Join us for our weekly Torah study on the portion of the week, led by the clergy. 

You can join us in person at The Temple or via zoom from 

Yom Haatzmaut-Israel Independence Day Program  

Join us as we commemorate Israel’s 76th birthday 

May 14th at 6:00pm at The Temple.  

For more information, please see 

Hike and Havdallah 

May 18th 

Starting at the Edwin Warner Park Nature Center on HWY. 100. Plenty of parking! See the spring bloomBring friends! Meet at 3:45 PM for a family friendly walk on a paved trail followed by Havdalah at 5:30 PM. All ages! Bring friends and family.  

For more information or questions, please contact Anne Davenport at 

Golden Lunch Bunch  

Will meet at Temple from 11:30-1:00pm on 

May 7th:  Russ Davis 

May 21st: Dennis Scott 

RSVP to Jamie Maresca at 615-354-1686 or via email at 

Women's Torah Study 
May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 

10:30 AM 

Ongoing weekly women's Torah study led by Patty Marks. 

Available in person at The Temple and via zoom through 

Lunch with the Rabbi  
May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 

Lunch at 11:30AM 

Program12:00-1:00 PM 

$15 per person for lunch 

Engage with Rabbi Danziger and guests in a discussion of current and important issues from a Jewish perspective. 

RSVP on or by calling the Temple at 615-352-7620 

Available in person and via zoom.  

Zoom Room: 

Temple Together 

Potluck & Game Night 

May 18th  

Join Temple Together, the group for people ages 35-50, for a potluck BBQ and game nightAddress on the west side and will be provided upon RSVP.  

RSVP to  

Tot Shabbat 

May 18th @ 10:00am at The Temple 

Tot Shabbat offers families the chance to celebrate Shabbat with their young children  
in a creative way with our wonderful clergy. 

Journey to Parenthood or Not 

Thursday, May 2nd 

6:00pm at The Temple with dinner to Follow 

Join us for this important panel discussion on the variety of ways people become parents (or not) 

For more information and to RSVP, contact Sheri Rosenberg at 

Monday Morning Mah Jongg  

Join Us for MAH JONGG Mondays at The Temple! 

May 6th, 13th, 20th  

from 10:00 AM - Noon+ 

Drop in for Mah JonggWe’ll have coffee and water. Bring your friends, a card, and a set and have some fun. Mah Jongg cards and sets are available for purchase in The Temple Gift Shop.  

West End Synagogue - May 2024 

For links to the following online services or programs, please email or visit our website calendar for more information  

5/1 Women's Torah Group (on Zoom) – 11:00 a.m. 

Rabbi Joshua leads our Women’s study of the book of Deuteronomy. 

5/2 - Sisterhood Day Trippers- Post Passover Lunch at Thistle Farms  

Meet at noon at Thistle Farms Café. Email with any questions. RSVP at 

5/3 – Beit Miriam 11th Grade Graduation and Kabbalat Shabbat Services 

Join us as we honor the graduating class of Beit Miriam. 

5/5 – Honor the Teachers/Last Day of Beit Miriam 

5/8 The Sandi Goldstein Learn & Lunch Program for ages 60+ - 11:00 a.m. 

Reservations required, catered lunch following the presentation. 

Speaker: Rabbi Joshua Kullock 

Lunch catered by Goldie Shepard at 12:00 p.m. Cost: $3.00  

RSVP 615-269-4592 ext. 11 or 

5/9 Men’s Torah Group (in person) – 12:00 p.m. 

Join us for our Torah class for men. We are currently studying the Second Book of Kings and will be eating pizza. 

5/10 Tot Shabbat – 5:30-6:30 p.m. 
Friday night Shabbat services for Families with Young Children led by Nili Friedman & Sharon Paz RSVP to 

5/10 – WES Annual Meeting 

Friday, May 10th, at 6:00 p.m. Annual Meeting and election of officers, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat, Maariv, and an Oneg reception. 

5/11 – High School Senior Graduation Shabbat 

Saturday, May 11th, at 9:30 a.m. Join us as we celebrate our graduating seniors and send them off on the next phase of their educational journeys. 

5/11 Kid’ish Club, aka Jr. Congregation – 10:30-11:30 a.m. 

Inviting all 2nd – 7th graders for Kid’ish Club Shabbat morning May 11th from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Kiddush lunch to follow.   

5/18Yael Cohen Bat Mitzvah 

5/19 Live Concert featuring Meg Okura, Yotam Ishay, Sam Newsome - Youngchae Jeong - And Guilhem Fourty 

Beginning at 5:00 p.m. Further information to come.  

5/22 The Sandi Goldstein Learn & Lunch Program for ages 60+ - 11:00 a.m.