The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Monday, Sept. 16, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Let's Talk Retirement: A Retirement Toolbox

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Tape Measure – to measure the ideas that pop into your head. 

Drill – to drill down to basics when you are starting something new. 

Screwdriver – to tighten/untighten as you experiment with what’s new. 

Hammer – to hammer down final decisions. 


I hear that a lot of you are Do It Yourself-ers” (DIY). You think that once the Retirement door is open you will just sail right through. But just like navigating to any place you haven’t been, it’s probably a good idea to put the proper information into your GPS so you don’t make a wrong turn.   

With that in mind, I recommend we take a good look at what you need in your toolbox. Sure, you have the basics I’ve already mentioned. Now, with my next few columns, I can offer some tools for you to add. 


Tool #1 is THREE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. These questions are necessary to consider before as well as when you are planning your Retirement.  


Question 1. “WHAT DO YOU WANT?”   

I’m pretty sure you have been asking other people this question at various times in your life in various voices. For example, 

  1. - when your boss gives you confusing instructions
  2. - when the baby’s been crying for the last two hours
  3.  – when finding any man searching in the refrigerator 
  4.  -  when trying to choose a birthday gift for the impossible one 


 This is one of the first questions I ask all clients, and these are a few of the answers I often hear:  

I don’t know.  

I want to lose 15 pounds. 

I want to have enough money. 

I just want to be happy. 


It’s important that you start asking yourself, “What do I want?” And don’t settle for the ‘I just want to be happy’ answer. Take it further and really think about what makes you happy.  

 Now put that on the top shelf in your toolbox. 


Question 2.WHO ARE YOU NOW?”  

Look in the mirror and ask yourself this question. (The ‘now’ is underlined because it refers to NOW.)   

You’ve probably spent years in the workaday world trying hard to reach the top – wherever that is. Get the promotion, make more money, own a big house. It’s hard to find enough time for the job much less for family and the things you like to do. Is this what you signed up for? 

Just because this is Question 2, don’t think it is less important than your answers to the first one. The questions are related and deal with your beliefs and values.      

Of course, when I first ask this question to clients, there are a few who get nervous and try to dodge. I may hear answers like:  

Really, that’s what you’re asking me? 

Hello! I’m the smart, attractive, successful person  

sitting in front of you. 

What kind of question is that? 

You are more than your job or your money. What do you value – Time for yourself? Retaining your status? Helping others? Every so often, consider who you are now.  It will help guide you to specific joy and certainly help you in the future. It, too, deserves a prominent place in your toolbox.    


And one more 


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     The answers that the word ‘passionate’ brings out are sometimes comical: 

I’m passionate about chocolate. 

I’m passionate about being rich. 

I’m passionate about cute outfits for pickleball. 


To get beyond what looks like an impasse, sometimes I ask “What do you do that makes you lose track of time?” This can help you with the answer. 


Be kind to yourself – so what if you enjoy puzzles or model trains or even the history channel! The important point is that you are honest and open as you consider the question. Again, put this with the other two questions, and you DIYers will be making progress toward your retirement. 


Those add up to Tool #1 for your Retirement Toolbox! Use those three questions and you will be thinking about your future now. Don’t be like Scarlet in Gone With the Wind and sigh and say, “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”  

Or, call me, and we can talk. After all, 

Life’s a puzzle, and 

Sometimes you might just need a little help 

Putting the pieces together. 

