In the Talmud, the basic unit of meaningful learning is the chevrutah, or studying with a partner. All throughout the classic Jewish sources we see Rabbis coming together to discuss different topics. The most famous of these rabbinic pairs was the one put together by Hillel and Shammai. They were so important and influential that two different schools were created after them. For years, the students attending those schools continued to disagree with one another. It is out of their many disagreements that we got some of the fundamental contours of Jewish law.
Alarmingly, Federation donations, in terms of the number of donors, has been in a serious decline for decades. In Nashville, the annual campaign figures have neither significantly increased over the past decade, nor has the level or the amount of giving kept up with the rate of inflation.
Your Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee is building a flourishing Jewish community in partnership with our agencies, congregations, and Jewish community organizations. By emphasizing strategic engagement and outreach as Nashville and Middle Tennessee grows in terms of both the Jewish and general population, we welcome and involve newcomers, those who are unaffiliated, those who are seeking new ways to connect Jewishly, and Jewish community members who live outside the historical geographic core where most of our congregations and agencies are located.
Do you and your family want to spend time with an Israeli and learn more about everyday life in Israel? Do you ever think hosting an exchange student sounds like a great idea, but a year-long commitment sounds like too much? Well, Camp Davis has the perfect option for you; sign up to host a shlicha, Israeli emissary, during our summer camp sessions!.
Leave it to the Jews to have a cookie inspired by cultural annihilation! Hamantashen are the triangle-shaped filled cookies most associated with Purim, the most joyous of all Jewish holidays. Hamantashen, the classic Purim cookies, are eagerly awaited by everyone young and old. They are versatile and can be made from a good, sweet yeast dough, flaky dough or from a traditional cookie dough. The fillings can be mixed and matched. The Hamantash cookie is eaten on Purim, when we read from the Book of Esther, the Megillah, and celebrate the Megillah, and celebrate the triumph of good (Esther) over evil (Haman, who planned to destroy the Jewish people.) Purim is the most joyous of all Jewish holidays.
Chabad of Nashville invites the Nashville Jewish community to its 23rd annual Community Passover Seders, which will take place in the magnificent ballroom of the Genesis Campus for Jewish Life. Participants will experience the freedom of Passover the way our ancestors did when they left Egypt 3,334 years ago. Chabad will host two different types of Seder on the first two nights of Passover.