The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Carrie Mills

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City October 2024

I’m sitting here banging my head against the computer, wondering what I could possibly write about that would not involve saying something political (which would start an argument with way too many acquaintances), saying something unfortunate about my last dating experiences, or delving into a litany ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City September 2024

As September rolls in…and one of my most challenging and mashugana summers in recent history, rolls out, I can’t help but think of all the random thoughts that have passed through my mind at any given moment lately. Maybe all these random thoughts were my brain’s way of removing me from the present ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City August 2024

Verklempt.    Word of the day.     Week. Month. Year.     My dating life. Verklempt.    My home life. Verklempt.    My work life. Verklempt.    The world. Totally Verklempt.    Let’s start with my dating life. Verklempt. ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City July 2024

My favorite time of day is getting into bed.  I’m not sure if it’s my age, or that fact that I literally have like five jobs, or more…I’ve lost count. Or, that the world is so heavy and exhausting psychologically.   The other reason I love climbing under my down comforter and ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City June 2024

Yes. It happened. I won an award for writing this column. To be exact, a Simon Rockower award for Excellence in Jewish Journalism from the American Jewish Press Association. I won an award for complaining! How much more Jewish does it get?!  When I found out I cried I was so happy.  I can’t ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City May 2024

Just when the world seems like it is approaching the end times and things could not possibly get any worse, the cicadas, like the plagues of Passover are on their way, making their once in a seventeen-year ascent. And this time to make the matter all that more nightmarish, not one breed, but two arrive ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City April 2024

Watching the Oscars last month really wracked my brain. From the most offensive acceptance speech I ever heard in my life from a filmmaker refuting his Jewishness after winning an award for a film he made about the Holocaust, to moments later finding myself nodding my head in agreement when Robert Downey ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City March 2024

It was the night before leaving on another jaunt to my playground, NYC, when I woke up at like 3 in the morning with a feeling of uh oh…I may be getting sick. Come hell or high water, I was determined to get on that plane. Better to be sick in NYC than in Nashville. Well, unless of course I have Covid. ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City February 2024

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” Carl Jung Watching all the protests lately of mostly young people not knowing who or what they are really supporting in terms of good and evil, and when confronted and asked if they understand what they are actually protesting for, many of ...

The Jewish Observer

Kvetch in the City, January 2024

The other day I was at my yearly gynecologic appointment. I’ve been going to the same caring, kind doctor for over 30 years now. He delivered my son 27 years ago and throughout almost half of my life, has become a trusted personal practitioner. The only off-kilter thing is when I see him at community ...

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