The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Loretta Saff


Let's Talk Retirement: Your Retirement Toolbox Tool #3

(Confession: I am not a Do It Yourself (DIY) person. I do not own a tool apron and most of the time can’t find my toolbox. I turn to specialists whom I know can solve my issues. If that’s you when it comes to retirement, let’s talk. On the other hand, if you have your apron on and are ready, read ...


Let's Talk Retirement: A Retirement Toolbox

Tape Measure – to measure the ideas that pop into your head.  Drill – to drill down to basics when you are starting something new.  Screwdriver – to tighten/untighten as you experiment with what’s new.  Hammer – to hammer down final decisions.    I hear that a lot ...


Let's Talk Retirement: What's For Lunch?

“WHAT’S FOR LUNCH?’    Ah, retirement. Not having to race to the office every day, no meetings and no demanding phone calls. Just being home doing what you want to do in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere. Seems perfect, right? And yet… let me share with you the story of two couples I ...


Let's Talk Retirement: A Retirement Hagaddah

Just as the Passover Haggadah tells the story of following the order during the Passover holiday, so this Retirement Haggadah details considerations for those who are looking towards retiring.  Gather round as I share with you portions of some of the lessons learned from people who experienced ...


Let's Talk Retirement: Have You Been Paying Attention?

HAVE YOU BEEN PAYING ATTENTION?   This crossword will help you find the path to a successful transition!   The reason I’m offering you a small crossword puzzle this month is that   the tag line for my website at is   Life’s a ...


Let's Talk Retirement: Why Leap Year is Practice for Retirement!

WHY LEAP YEAR IS PRACTICE FOR RETIREMENT! Last week I had three people remind me that 2024 is a Leap Year. Since it hadn’t occurred in quite some time (sort of like the cicadas), I decided to do some research. I know Leap Year happens every four years, but why? Here’s the answer: Leap Year exists ...

Loretta Retirement

Let's Talk Retirement: L'avenir appartient aux curieux.

L'avenir appartient aux curieux.  What did you think when you saw that sentence? Did you look at it twice and try to understand it, or did you just move on assuming the answer would follow somewhere? If you were curious and tried to figure out the meaning, good for you! The sentence is in French, ...

The Jewish Observer

Let's Talk Retirement: A Chanukah Sing Along

A CHANUKAH SING ALONG!    The thought of RETIREMENT (the non-financial side) can cause people to be either overly excited or very nervous. Wherever you are on your journey, I encourage you to avoid the potholes by making sure   you navigate via “excited.”  To get you on ...

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