The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Norma Shirk

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Halfway There - Life & Legacy

Halfway There  By Norma Shirk    We are halfway through another year of the LIFE & LEGACY™ program and it has been a wonderful year so far. This year, we added two new participating organizations, the Jewish Middle School, and Kehilla High School. There are now 14 participating ...

The Jewish Observer

When Things Happen

A universal fear of everyone is the thought of losing control of our decision-making abilities and our independence. Most of these fears center around our financial and physical health. Will I save enough for a comfortable retirement? What if my retirement nest egg runs out before I do? What if I have ...

The Jewish Observer

Celebrating Our Donors

On June 7, 2023, at the Gordon Jewish Community Center, our community celebrated the achievements of the LIFE & LEGACY™ program, by honoring the donors who are ensuring the future of Jewish Nashville. A list of LIFE & LEGACY™ donors appears in the centerfold of this edition of the Observer. ...

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