The Jewish Observer
News from Middle Tennessee's Jewish Community | Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024
The Jewish Observer

Pam Kelner

JFS Heart

Heart of the Matter: June 2024

As the Executive Director of Jewish Family Service of Nashville, I have had a front-row seat for the past 14 years to witness the incredible impact of our organization’s services on individuals and families. Since breaking my ankle two weeks ago I have become a recipient of the very services our agency ...

JFS Heart

Heart of the Matter February 2024

I’m sure many of you have read reports pointing to the fact that volunteerism is on the decline, especially post-COVID. I am here to tell you that that is not true here in Nashville. On Tuesday, August 29 Jewish Family Service had the opportunity to shower our appreciation over 125 volunteers who ...

The Jewish Observer

A Letter from JFS

To the Nashville Jewish Community, The massacre in Israel and the ongoing crisis affects us directly here in Nashville. We want to help you understand how your Jewish Family Service is responding—meeting people’s immediate needs with love, dignity, and care. What is JFS?  JFS ...

The Jewish Observer

Heart of the Matter October 2023

Sukkot is my favorite Jewish holiday. Every year our family chooses a different theme for our sukkah. One year we built it to look like a maritime village, in honor of my mother’s (z”l) childhood in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Another year, we recreated the dining hall from Harry Potter. It is a time ...

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